Proper Nutrition for Weight Loss in Girls: Advice from the Best Dietitians (+ 14 Days Menu)

All girls want to be slim and attractive. However, you cannot get in good shape if your diet is high in fat and unhealthy. Proper weight loss nutrition is the best way to get a great figure without compromising your health.

Combined with regular exercise, you'll not only get lean, but toned. Eat right and you can strengthen your health: build the balance of vitamins and minerals, improve the condition of your skin, hair, nails.

What foods affect proper nutrition for weight loss

Girls are rightfully interested in what products can't have a great body. Usually we focus on calorie content and prefer options with lower energy values. However, the weight is still not lost, and sometimes even extra pounds appear.

bad and healthy food

Girls who develop a proper nutritional menu for weight loss should take into account that all products are divided into several categories.First group- High proteinsecond- high carbohydratein the thirdOptions with a lot of fat predominate. All of these foods can be high or low in calories.

We know that high-calorie diets inevitably lead to weight gain. Another common cause of weight gain is eating a lot of fried, high-fat foods.

Low-calorie foods can help you lose weight. Including negative calorie foods in your diet can be especially helpful. In this case, the body spends more energy on digestion than it consumes from them.

Girls should exclude fried foods when preparing a proper nutritional menu for a week of weight loss. Even vegetables that are fried at high heat lose the vital vitamins and minerals we use them for. Different cooking methods provide different calories. You get the most dietary options if you use vegetables in fresh salads.

How unhealthy food affects our weight:

  • If you consume fewer calories than you burn, the difference will be deposited in the form of fat cells.
  • To improve taste, harmful foods are rich in high amounts of fast carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, the number of useful elements is reduced to a minimum. Excessive consumption of these foods can lead to weight gain.
  • Lots of junk food can slow down your metabolism. Such foods are quickly converted into body fat.

dairy products, should be excluded from the menu for nutritionally appropriate weight loss girls.

Most dairy products we are used to are also harmful when it comes to weight loss. For example, popular creams, milk, butter, cheese, and sour cream are high in calories. They also have enough fat in them, so it's best to choose dietary analogs - foods that are low in fat. As far as taste is concerned, they are not lost, but their use will definitely help you fight excess pounds.

meat and fish products,This should also be excluded.

Dishes made from fatty fish, pork, lamb, beef and veal are rich in animal fats. These elements quickly enter the adipose tissue, adding unnecessary kilograms.

You can easily replace oily fish with lean fish. Cod, cod, cod, navaga, flounder will do. Halibut, sardines, sturgeon, mackerel and saury are best avoided. Fatty meats also need to be eliminated and instead eat chicken and other lean meats.

alcoholic beverages,Slow down the weight loss process.

Alcoholic beverages are bad for us because they drastically reduce the metabolic rate. First of all, nutritionists recommend stopping drinking beer because of its high content of fast carbohydrates, yeast and sugar. What other alcohol is harmful if you plan a healthy eating menu for weight loss for girls:

  • Vodka, whiskey, tequila, rum, gin, brandy: One cup of these drinks contains 115 calories.
  • Champagne: 100ml drink contains 89 calories.

Sometimes a glass of dry wine is acceptable if you stick to proper nutrition.


To a greater extent, our bodies are harmed by sweets: candies, cakes, pastries, chocolates. These foods contain an excess of fast carbohydrates. All sweets raise blood sugar levels, which increases appetite.

You can replace the usual candy with dark bitter chocolate. It is best to completely exclude harmful cakes and cakes.

Carbonated drinks.

Any sweetened carbonated drink contains a lot of sugar, as well as harmful chemical flavors and dyes. Not only will such products stop you from losing weight, but they can also cause gastrointestinal problems.

Avoid unhealthy foods to lose weight

It's best to drink unsweetened homemade preserves and juices rather than sodas.

For girls on the right diet for weight loss, we recommend fruit drinks (comotes, juices) without homemade sweeteners.


Harmful flour products include pasta, pasta, bread, bread, as they can clog our guts. If you can't give up flour, try replacing it with durum wheat products.

The least healthy food you need to stop eating right away is fast food. It contains a lot of fast carbohydrates, which are high in calories and harmful to health. Eat a lot of fast food, and you may experience a deterioration in visceral function.

vegetable,This needs to be eliminated through proper nutrition.

Most girls consider vegetables to be the best food for weight loss. However, not all products of these cultures are so useful. Potatoes, for example, have a high glycemic index (GI), so carbohydrates are quickly converted to adipose tissue. Potato dishes should only be eaten with low GI foods.

We advise girls who are developing a proper nutritional menu for weight loss not to completely exclude certain foods that are considered harmful. For example, by giving up chocolate entirely, you'll lower your blood levels of serotonin (the happy hormone). Without it, stress, apathy, and even depression can occur.

When eating certain foods, you need to pay attention to your measurements. Choosing the right cooking method is also important during weight loss.


  • cooking.
  • bake.
  • Eat raw food (vegetable salad).

By eliminating a variety of marinades, sausages, and fast food from your daily diet, you can always be in good shape. This food can quickly lead to weight gain.

Which foods are the basis of proper nutrition for girls to lose weight

protein foods for weight loss

What should a girl's weight loss nutrition plan include? The best protein option is fish. It contains essential omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, vitamins A, E, D.

According to the amount of fat, fish can be divided into three types:

  • Oily (over 8%). Calorie Content - 110-145 calories per 100 grams of product. For example, sturgeon, mackerel, halibut, eel.
  • Medium fat content (4-8%). Calorie Content - 100-145 kcal per 100 grams of product. This group includes bass, low-fat herring, carp, pink salmon, zander, and trout.
  • Low-fat fish (4%). Calorie Content - 75-100 calories per 100 grams of product. These are cod, perch, cod, flounder, snapper, pike.

For girls who want to create a proper nutritious menu for weight loss, we recommend that you include low-fat foods in your diet. Avoid smoked and fried fish. Cooking method - steam, roast, roast. However, there is no need to overemphasize fish dishes, as too many useful elements can even cause harm. You can eat fish no more than four times a week.

Results of proper nutrition for weight loss

From meat, you should choose turkey or chicken. They are high in protein and contain fewer calories and fat than pork. Chicken breast has 113 calories per 100 grams of product. The elements in poultry fillets can cleanse the fat in the liver and improve fat metabolism. The protein found in chicken and turkey helps build beautiful muscles.

Use eggs in your diet. With a calorie content of 70-80 kcal, this product acts as a protein source that is well absorbed by the body. Eggs contain 12 different types of vitamins (B, D, E, and others) that provide satiety.

dairy products

Your weight loss girl's meal plan should include adequate amounts of dairy. They contain important elements, calcium and phosphorus. Furthermore, they speed up metabolic processes. Previously, nutritionists believed that weight loss only required using fat-free foods. However, this has been proven wrong today.

Butterfat contains linoleic acid, which promotes the conversion of fat into energy, so it does not deposit in adipose tissue. In dairy products, this substance is almost the same as in vegetable oils. However, the latter have very high energy values.

But we still don’t recommend eating too much dairy, because excess linoleic acid can instead lead to excess weight, and protein removes an important element—calcium—from the body.

Kefir can help you lose weight. This dairy product is inexpensive but contains a lot of important elements that improve gut flora and speed up metabolic processes. Kefir is well saturated and relaxes the nervous system.

Cheese with Fruit for Weight Loss

Also, you can use cottage cheese without compromising the figure. This product contains a lot of protein and calcium. Thanks to this, it can make you feel full for a long time. Curd products have a lower GI value, so they can be eaten at night.

They contain a small amount of lactose, which makes these products harmless for people with lactone intolerance. Cheese makes many interesting dishes: cheese with herbs, vegetables, fruit, as well as hot dishes, various snacks, desserts.

Girls can dilute their proper nutritional menu for weight loss with products like soft cheese, Adyghe, mozzarella, feta, and ricotta that are low in calories, packed with vitamins, and soonsaturation.


When it comes to losing weight, it is important to eat a variety of grains. This food is low in calories and contains a lot of useful fiber in the ingredients to flush out toxins and toxins from the body. We believe that all grains are beneficial and important for health and harmony in their own way. For best results, it is recommended to alternate between different types of grains. Cook them on the water without oil.

cereals for weight loss

Millet shelling promotes fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol, improves gastrointestinal activity, eliminates body fat and antibiotics. This porridge will fill you up for a long time.

Proper nutrition for a girl to lose weight for a week should include wheat nibs. It contains few calories, delays the deposition of fat, prolongs the rejuvenation of the skin, and improves the condition of hair and nails.

Barley contains a lot of fiber, which can remove harmful substances from the body and participate in lipid metabolism. This porridge is hypoallergenic.

Iron is abundantly present in buckwheat. This grain contains a small amount of fat and is digested for a long time, so it can be saturated for a long time.

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and amino acids. It also cleans the body of harmful substances that affect the condition of the facial skin.


Girls preparing a proper nutritional menu for weight loss should pay special attention to nuts. The calorie content of this product is quite high, but it is perfect for a small snack. Nuts saturate quickly and are easy to carry around. They are very useful for the skin and improve metabolic processes.

Daily Nut Amount:

  • Peanuts - 10-12;
  • Almonds - 22;
  • Cedar - 50 g;
  • Walnuts - 2 pcs.

Vegetables and Vegetables

The main product of slim body is various vegetables. Most of them are low in calories (with the exception of starchy ones) and high in fiber, vitamins, and trace elements.

Which vegetables should be included in a weight loss diet:

  • cucumber. Calorie Content - 15 calories per 100 grams of product. Cucumbers contain vitamins B and C, as well as potassium and enzymes that improve bowel movements.
  • cabbage. Calorie Content - 22 calories per 100 grams of product. It contains high amounts of folic acid, fiber, as well as vitamins K, B, A, thiamine, and riboflavin. Cabbage helps to lose excess weight quickly, increase stamina and restore blood sugar levels.
  • Another vegetable on a girl's proper nutrition menu when losing weight is carrots. Calorie Content - 32 kcal per 100 grams. It contains beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid, fiber, antioxidants.
  • tomato. Calorie Content - 20 kcal per 100 grams. These vegetables improve metabolism, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent tumor formation.
  • beet. Calorie Content - 42 kcal per 100 grams. This product has laxative and diuretic properties and contains betaine, which regulates fat metabolism and improves the absorption of animal protein.
  • Bulgarian pepper. Calorie Content - 23-28 kcal per 100 grams. It contains the most vitamin C. This vegetable can speed up weight loss, prevent baldness, prevent blood clots, and improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails.
  • beans. Calorie content - 102 kcal per 100 grams, contains a lot of protein, antioxidants, trace elements. Beans prevent the complete absorption of starch and also stimulate the production of a special hormone that reduces appetite.
  • Celery - 18 calories per 100 grams. This vegetable contains ingredients that cleanse and rejuvenate the body. In addition, celery gives energy and relaxes the nervous system.
  • A week of proper nutrition for weight loss girls must include zucchini. Its calorie content is 23 calories per 100 grams. This vegetable improves intestinal motility and restores normal water-salt balance.
  • pumpkin. Calorie Content - 25 kcal per 100 grams. The product speeds up metabolism and strengthens bone tissue.
  • Dill, parsley, basil, radishes, lettuce, cilantro, onion, garlic have negative calorie counts. They burn more calories than they consume.

fruits and berries

Fruits and berries contain high amounts of fiber, macronutrients, and beneficial vitamins. They contain tannins, which are essential for speeding up metabolism. The elements that make up fruits and berries help remove toxins and improve the function of internal organs. All of these help with weight loss.

A proper nutritional menu for girls to lose weight must contain fruits such as apples, pineapples and grapefruits. Apples contain pectin, folic acid, and vitamin C. These elements restore intestinal flora and speed up metabolism. Pineapple is considered a powerful fat-burning fruit due to its bromelain content. However, its magical properties are greatly exaggerated.

Bromelain does not promote fat burning, but only aids in the absorption of various products (dairy, soy, meat, fish). Grapefruit removes excess fluid from the body and improves fat metabolism.

10 Principles of Proper Nutrition for Girls to Lose Weight

Start your day with a hearty and healthy breakfast.

Many of us ignore this meal. However, the habit of eating a good meal before an active workday is essential for us. If you haven't already, you can gradually start with small portions. Your breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates. This is a guarantee of energy and vitality for the first part of the day. Porridge with added fruit and berries, and sugar-free cereals with nuts and honey are perfect.

healthy food for weight loss

The calorie content of the food should be adequate.

Don't severely restrict your food and make a conscious effort to eat the fewest calories per day. Excessive fasting can cause your nutritional system to quickly collapse and slow down metabolic processes in your body. The statement that you need to eat less to lose weight fast is not true. It's important to eat well throughout the day, so we recommend counting your calorie intake.

The rule of not eating after 6pm is wrong.

It is only worth sticking to this principle when going to bed at 20: 00 or 21: 00. If you go to bed after 23: 00 then this fast is bad for your health. You can safely eat high-protein foods (fish, chicken breast, hard-boiled eggs, cottage cheese) two to three hours before bedtime without worrying about weight gain.

Sweets can only be eaten in the morning.

This rule is useful for girls who are starting to stick to proper nutrition to lose weight. Sweets and pasta products can be included in the diet, but only at noon. Fruit should not be left at dinner parties either: they are suitable to be eaten before 16: 00. For dinner, it is best to make your own protein food.

In order not to overeat at night, you need to eat enough food during the day.

Your entire diet should be balanced. By skipping one of your meals, you risk overeating later. Our body is lined up in a very smart way: at night it works hard to meet the standards you didn't eat during the day. This intermittent nutrition greatly slows down the metabolism.

You need to drink two liters of water every day.

Scientists have found that to maintain good health, you need to drink 2-2. 5 liters of purified water every day. This habit will keep you hydrated and will suppress your appetite. You can get used to drinking plenty of water. Most likely for the first 7 days, you will need to control yourself, but then your body will rebuild and you will start wanting to drink more.

Two liters of clean water a day is one of the main principles of a healthy lifestyle and weight loss.

Don't eat foods with "empty" calories.

Oatmeal and milk to lose weight

Appropriate nutrition for weight loss in girls does not include the intake of products such as juice bags, carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, store sauces, convenience foods, and fast food. Such food is "empty" because it has no nutritional value. Eating unhealthy foods will not feel full during the day and the body will not get any beneficial trace elements. A diet containing these types of foods can lead to weight gain almost immediately, so it's worth choosing healthy and nutrient-dense natural dishes.

Proper Nutrition for Weight Loss Girls: A 14-Day Menu

Healthy Correct Menu is very simple, yet varied at the same time.

All meals should be served at specific times:

  • Breakfast 08: 00–09: 00.
  • Snacks 10: 00-11: 00.
  • Lunch 13: 00-14: 00.
  • Snacks 16: 00–17: 00.
  • Dinner 18: 00-19: 00.

Day 1

  • An omelet with an egg and several proteins with spinach, 2 kiwis.
  • Toaster toasted bread, or fresh diet bread, 2-4 slices of cheese.
  • Steamed chicken or turkey fillets, boiled rice, vegetables.
  • Low-fat cheesecake or casserole, syrup.
  • Flaxseed yogurt (per 0. 25 l - 8 g seeds).

Proper nutrition for weight loss for girls can bring you a slim and toned figure. During the first few days of this regimen, the stomach may feel full. It is recommended to reduce the usual portion so as not to feel heavy on the stomach.

Day 2

  • Oatmeal and flaxseed porridge cooked with water at a mass fraction of 10: 1, bananas.
  • Boiled meat (chicken fillet) or canned tuna.
  • Veal boiled brown rice, beef low-fat cabbage soup.
  • A grapefruit.
  • A cup of kefir with veggies and flax seeds.

3rd day

  • Low-fat cheese casserole, espresso without sugar and milk.
  • Several nuts, 5 dates, 1 apple.
  • Low-fat soup of your choice, vegetable salad, 1 hard-boiled egg.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Steamed cutlets or meatballs, a few fresh cucumbers, lettuce.

Day 4

weight loss menu
  • Toaster toast, a few slices of cheese, or good quality sausage (either).
  • Salty cheese ("Prostokvashino").
  • Beef and vegetable broth, grated carrots in vegetable oil.
  • Fruit salad or low-fat cheese dessert with cashews.
  • 1 hard boiled egg, kefir with chopped dill.

Day 5

  • Steamed buckwheat, plums or dates.
  • Light vegetable salad.
  • Egg salad, boiled meat (veal), hard cheese, peppers and tomatoes. As a dressing, use butter or low-fat sour cream.
  • Grilled fish, light vegetable salad.
  • Chicken dish with broccoli and rice.

Day 6

  • Fried eggs (without oil), a few pieces of cheese, spinach.
  • Cook rice, some nuts, raisins.
  • Turkey meatball soup, fish in tomato sauce, salad.
  • Riagenka.
  • grapefruit.

Day 7

  • A few pieces of red dates, low-fat cheese casserole.
  • A light salad of different fruits.
  • Cook skinless chicken thighs, kimchi soup, buckwheat.
  • Stuffed cabbage lazy (2 pcs).
  • Chopped hedgehogs, add zucchini.

A proper nutritional menu is very important for girls to lose weight. Healthy food will help you lose those pesky kilos fast.

Day 8

lean meat for weight loss
  • Brown bread with cheese and low-fat cottage cheese, 1 pear.
  • 80 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 15 grams of honey.
  • Beef soup, vegetable salad.
  • Grapefruit, pear.
  • Two cucumbers and boiled meat (turkey).

Day 9

  • Boiled rice porridge, 15 grams of butter, 1 orange.
  • Boiled eggs, cucumbers, toast.
  • Grilled Cod (200g), Fresh Vegetable Salad.
  • Green apple, herbal tea, cheese.
  • Stewed Vegetables with Grilled Chicken Tenderloin.

Day 10

  • Boiled eggs, 1 tomato, mashed potatoes.
  • Rosehip broth, a few oranges.
  • Bread with sliced cheese, mushroom soup and rice.
  • Cheese Casserole.
  • Seaweed and grilled cod.

Day 11

  • Fresh strawberries (120 g), boiled oatmeal with skim milk.
  • Homemade yogurt with honey, bitter coffee.
  • Pickled cabbage with grilled fish.
  • Vegetable salad with sour cream dressing.
  • A couple of fresh cucumbers, grilled chicken tenders with grated cheese.

Day 12

  • Boiled barley porridge, 1 banana.
  • Kiwi, grapefruit.
  • Cook chicken breast, vegetable casserole.
  • Tomato juice (1 cup), poached shrimp (160 g).
  • Kefir (250ml).

Day 13

  • Bitter coffee, omelette.
  • Oranges, Bananas.
  • Roasted mushrooms, chicken tenders, potatoes.
  • Apple, curd.
  • Cinnamon Baked Apples (2), Cheese.

Day 14

  • Oatmeal cooked in water, a little honey, 1 banana.
  • Vanilla and lemon tea, chopped walnuts, 1 apple.
  • Stewed black rice with vegetables, soup.
  • Banana Casserole.
  • Boiled shrimp, a few fresh cucumbers, a tomato.

In order for girls to get proper nutrition for ideal weight loss, it is necessary to strictly follow the menu and all recommendations, as well as regular physical activity.